Monday, July 2, 2012


So I am still catching up, obviously, I am not quite a full year behind but pretty close.  I hope to be up to date in the next couple of days.  Once July hits we start our birthday marathon. We have one birthday a month every month from July to December, minus September.  Once the new baby is born though we will have every month covered.  Kyle is in July, but for some reason I can find any of my pictures... frustrating.  We did celebrate it though...:)
Then in August Bailey turned 5!!!! 
Its amazing to me how time just seems to fly by...
 We were able to celebrate with a few of our cousins.
 Bailey always told me, "mom I really want to buy "that" but I am saving all my money for college!" Which is really cute, I thought alright we are on the right track! Lately though she has been saing, " I am saving all my money for a phone."  How her priorities have changed...
Sophie wanted to have a little party with her friends before we moved from Saratoga to Pioche.  I think it was the day before we loaded everthing up on the truck that we had this little party.

 We had such fun with our little neighbors and with our cousins.  We still miss all the time we got to spend together.
 She still loves this horse!
 This is what the house looked like, yea I really dont like moving!

Well then we made our official move to Pioche, it was late October.  Shortly after I had my birthday... my 30th birthday that is.  I still cant believe my twenties are gone, where did they go? I have come to terms with it though, now that I am almost, dare I say, 31!! The sad thing is, Kyle is still 29, for 20 some odd more days, what a young pup!
Kyle and the kids made me this beautiful cake!

 I had to put this picture in. Notice Sophie, shes coloring on the table.  Moving to Pioche sparked some kind of notty phase with her and there has been nothing but cleaning up messes ever since.  I (nock on wood) think it is coming to an end though.
this isnt the best picture but this is the only one with Kyle in it.  He was the one with the camera.

Then my cute little Sophie officailly turned 3 years old in November!

 She is so much fun and she keeps us on our toes.  Yesterday at church they had just said the sacrament prayer and Kyle still had his head down and eyes closed and she leaned over to him and said, "Dad they said amen, you can open your eyes now."  Now picture that in a sassy little three year old voice.  I felt like saying yea, dah! It was funny.

Then in December my Daxton turned 2. 

He is such a ham!!

This cake was my atempt at being creative.  It turned out cute and the kids liked it.  (Baking has never really been my thing.)

We had a fun little party with the family!

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