Friday, July 27, 2012

Bailey's kindergarten graduation

Can you believe that Bailey has already graduated from Kindergarten? I know I am struggling with the fact!!  She was so embarrassed when she came in.  She had a fun year and they had a really fun little ceremony for them.  Short and sweet, just like I like them.  Her class actually almost doubled in size this year, they started out with 8 kids and ended with like 13 kids! Watch out I know!

Her teacher is tiny, one of the kids in the class is almost as tall as her! These girls have so much fun together.
Most of her class.
Funny Story, later that day she was talking to some friends in the car about the graduation and she said, "If I had seen myself in that hat, I would have beat myself up!"  Im not really sure where she got that from, but it made me crack up!  You never know what they are going to say!
Yay for Bailey!!!

1 comment:

Kara said...

Haha! I'm laughing out loud at Bailey's comment about the graduation hat! Too funny! Can't believe our kids are already done with Kindergarten! Seems like we were just scrapbooking when they were babies!!! Tell them to STOP growing up so fast!!