Saturday, February 27, 2010


We had a really fun Christmas this year!
These first two are pictures that I took with my new camera Kyle got me for Christmas. It has been a lot of fun, I have been going a little crazy with the picture taking, but why not right?

Bailey totally scored this year! This is her sporting some of her new dress ups!

She got a really fun princess vanity, which Sophie thinks is hers too.

We ... I mean Santa, got her this really fun Dora scooter, sadly it broke about the 2nd time she used it so Santa gave us the recite to exchange it for a new one and all they had left were princess ones, but Bailey wasn't too bugged. Its fun the watch her ride the scooter, she is still getting comfortable with it, she goes REALLY slow.
Sophie got this fun Elmo kitchen. Funny thing is it will just randomly start talking or singing a song and I think by the time everyone went home they had enough of Elmo. Sophie likes it though.
This was the night before Christmas, Bailey helped Nana make some cookies for Santa. It was really cute, they put them on a plate with a glass of milk. The first thing Bailey did when she woke up was check the plate and she was so excited to see that Santa had eaten it all and he had even left her a note!

Here are all the grand babies on Kyles side! I have decided its just as hard to get a good picture with the four of them on Kyles side as it is to take a picture with the 26 grand babies on my side!

This was the night before we each got to open up one present, which were all P.J.s you cant really tell but Daxton's jamies say "naughty" on the bum, they were way cute!

This was pretty much what Dax did the whole time, I cant believe how little he is in these pictures, he has grown so much since then!

I love this picture, daddy and his girls! Overall it was a great Christmas!


Chris & Kimber said...

what a good christmas. those are cute pics of the girls that ya took with your NEW camera. I can't believe how big the kids are getting. so crazy

Stacey T. said...

It looks like you had a great Christmas, I love the pictures of your 3 cuties! They are so adorable! Can't wait to see new pics of Dax, babies change so fast!