Friday, June 26, 2009

Time to come clean

Well I guess it is time to come clean about something... at this point I don't know who I have told and who I have not, who knows and who doesn't, or who cares and who doesn't... so I am just going to throw it out there... Kyle and I are now expecting our third child!!! That's right, I am prego again. It all started about Easter weekend I had the cold/flu that was going around but was getting over it so we decided to travel to see family. I was sitting in my moms kitchen and just kind of thinking out loud said, "man this flu feels a lot like when I am pregnant." Everyone stopped and looked at me... (nervous laugh) "but I'm not!... at least I shouldn't be... Its just the flu right?" Famous last words. Kyle, bless his heart, was instantly nervous I tried to reassure him but I had my doubts. Just for the record Kyle has gotten all nervous and worried with each pregnancy, something about the overwhelming feeling that you now have another one to provide for... but it always works out and he always relaxes, eventually. So we went home, took the test and I came out of the bathroom laughing and then we just sat up all night in shock looking at each other... needless to say we were not expecting this one, but unexpected does not mean its unwanted! Now that the initial shock has worn off we are both really excited. Kyle is hoping that the third time is the charm and he will finally get his boy. His theory is that we are now off of the "girl cycle" and hopefully joined the "boy cycle" (they seem to come in groups around here) but I keep telling him not to get his hopes up I just have a feeling its another girl... but we shall see. I am fine with either, to be honest a boy kind off scares me I know girls but again either one is fine with me. I am due December 14th (poor kid December b-day) and we have an ultra sound set July 23rd, so the count down is officially on. You are probably thinking wow, Sophie and the new baby are going to be really close and you are right they will be 13months apart. I figure we just have to make it through the first year and then it will be smooth sailing, in theory... Its going to be a crazy month for us we will be having our third baby, Kyle will be graduating (wahoo!!!) which means a new job which could mean a new town, new house, packing, moving, unpacking, newborn... it could get a little crazy, but hey bring it on! I am ready!... will be ready... hopefully... Wish me luck!


Teri said...

Oh my goodness!!! Congratulations!

Chris & Kimber said...

yeah for another Donohue!!!

Kara said...

Good Luck! I hope you're feeling ok. We need to hang out sometime. We haven't seen you guys forever! Let's have a Wii party sometime.

Young Family said...

Congrats! What a wonderful surprise!

Kelley said...

Eva, congratulations and Good Luck!!!! I miss seeing you guys, so maybe someday we'll make it down there....oh, and your girls are so stinkin' adorable!

Portia said...

Congrats!! Eventhough I was on the in. :) Can't wait to see the new one..we are keeping our fingers crossed for your boy. Oh and for a move to Carson City! :)

Camille said...

Ha ha ha- Congrats you two crazy kids! Fertile Mertile! I would have been the same way had I tried super hard not to get pregant. Jonathan's sister got prego when her 1st baby was just over 4 months old. They are 13 months apart and I'm sure it was a little crazy for a while- but they are so close now and the best of friends. I think they love being that close!
Things will work out....tell Kyle I'm a girlie lover, but I hope he gets his boy too. Boys can be fun. Although like you I KNOW girls and prefer them too.

Tessa Marie said...

Ok, this makes me want to laugh, but mostly because I'm excited for you guys. Everything will work out great!

R&R said...

Oh congratulations Eva and Kyle. That is soooo exciting. Atleast I think so but I am not the one pregnant. You are guys are great parents with a lot of energy so you will do great with three!

Stacey T. said...

Congratulations!! What a great surprise!! Can't wait to find out if its a girl or boy!

Lara said...

Eva, congrats!!! I am SO excited for you guys!

Jonathon and Amanda said...

Congrats! That is so exciting. I found your blog from someone Else's. Hope you don't mind.

Karyn said...

Out of the girl cycle! I don't know about that! You guys need to know the pure joy that is having 3 girls!! ha, ha, ha, we could suffer together! I will keep my fingers crossed for ya! Congragulations!!

Uila said...

what the heck! congrats guys. um kyle, i'm not too sure about getting off the girl in point, our family. good luck with the two being so close together! moana and mele are exactly 14 months + 1 day was rough. it gets better as they get older, though.:)

Chelsea said...

Eva!! That's so great, congrats!! Wait, so you were totally pregnant at the stake walk and didn't say anything!!!! When was that, did you know??! I'll be checking for an update soon for girl/boy. My sister's oldest are 11 months apart and she made it--it made her crazy, but she did it! Ha Ha, just kidding, it's great and they are best buddies!!