Monday, August 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Bailey!!

August 22, 2012
Happy happy birthday Bailey dear!! My sweet little Bailey just turned 6 years old!! Wow how time flies!! 

As a special treat I took Bailey up to the salon and she had a manicure.  Or as she would say, " a medicure."  She thought it was pretty cool and asked me when she could go back to get another one. 
Sadly Kyle was out of town during her birthday.  Luckily we are blessed with some pretty cool technology and he was able to do face time for the whole party, it was as close to him actually being there as we could get. 
She got pretty spoiled as usual. She thought the money was a pretty cool gift as well.

We had all the grandparents down for a little party.  My mom was there too, although she managed to avoid all the pictures.  We are not big cake eaters so this year we decided to go for ice cream sundaes.  Who doesn't love ice cream?

Happy Birthday Bailey!! We love you so much, and are so lucky to have you in our family! I hope you are always such a happy, loving and sweet little one!

1 comment:

Chris & Kimber said...

Happy Birthday Bailey!! We sure do love ya and are so glad that you are part of this family. She looks super grown up in these pictures too. Cant wait to see y'all in a couple of days.