Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Birthday Marathon !

So in our family we have one birthday a month, except September, from July until December. Kyles is in July, then Bailey's in August, then mine is in October, Sophie's is November and Daxton's is December. So we are officially all birthday ed out.

Bailey turned four years old this year!! She is getting to be all grown up. Can you believe she is going to be in Kindergarten next year!? I cant, I am way too young for that...:) We had a little party at home with the family and then that weekend we took her to chuck-e-cheeses. Oh ya, for those of you who have not yet experienced the joy that is chuck e cheese, its a party! Our cousin Cassidys birthday is just a few days apart from Baileys so we met my sister there and had a double party. Uncle Chris and Aunt Kimber also came, Bailey loves them so much! Apon leaving Chris declared he would "never" take his kids to "that" place! I just have to smile, you'd be suprised what you will do for your children. It was all she wanted to do, and she still talks about when we went to Chuck E Cheeses.

Oh ya... I went all out on her cake this year.... Hey at least it was pink, which is all she really cared about. What you cant see is that the inside was like a heath cake... with the carmel and sweetened condenses milk melted into it. So at least it tasted good!

Blowing out her candles!

Such a cutie!

One fun thing about living up here is that we live about five minutes from IKEA. Which., if you have never been there, is such a fun store! Bailey loves to draw and paint so we got her an esle and art supplies so she could draw to her hearts content. I glad we got it, its been a really fun thing to have.
Then I had my birthday, no pictures necessary... yea, I got older...
Then Sophie had her birthday!

Ok so it is obvious that I am not a cake decorator... That was susposed to be purple lettering, but it came out more greyish....

Oh my Sophie.. she is so much fun! She loves to tackle daddy, paly hide and seek (you put a blanket over her and then you have to find her) and she loves to do what ever her big sister does! We had a fun party for her at the house and Uncle Chris, Aunt Kimber, Uncle Richard and Aunt Jessica all came! It was fun.

Later we took her to feed the fish at Cabellas, which is one of her favorite things to do.

So the cake wasnt that pretty on the outside, but the inside was pretty pimp, if I do say so myself! I found this recipe on line and Kyle helped me make it. It was pretty tastey too.

Sophie is quite the dadys girl! Whenever she gets upset at me she will start crying, "I want daddy!" To which I can only reply me too!

So at least I thought the cake was yummy!
Last but not least...
Look who just turn ONE!
Thats right, this handsome little devil is now one years old, and he is running around like crazy!

Here he is with the traditional "ice cream cone cupcake"

Considering I just handed it to him and let him go to town he really didnt get that messy...

Actully now that I think about it....

My cute little Sophie!

He got to have two little partys. His Aunt Kimber and Uncle Chis came to this one... they must really love my kids!

His sisters helped him open his present.

We got him this cute little rocking horse! I thought it would be a little bigger then it was. It turned out to be a good thing though, cause he tends to get "bucked off" quiet often.

I love my boy!

How did I get so lucky!?


Kelley said...

So cute!! They're growing up way too fast :) We need to get together soon!

Kara said...

Cutest kids ever and what little of yourself you put on this blog- you look GREAT!! I miss you guys! Can't believe your baby is ONE!! He is so dang handsome! Nathan got the IKEA easel for Christmas- he's way into art too. You know what made me think of you today- sitting at Mirabelli watching Nathan do gymnastics again. We just started up again today. Jackson is even going to take the class- I'll let you know how that goes on Thursday! Have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Chris & Kimber said...

we sure do love these three kiddos. i would have to say that i for sure have the cutest nieces and nephew.

Chelsea said...

So cute Eva! I said sooo many things before I had kids that I've now had to retract. :) Happy Birthday everyone!!!