Monday, August 25, 2008

Well I have finally given into peer preasure and we now have a blog. No guarantees as to how often it will be updated but I will do my best! Well we have had a lot of fun things going on lately, Bailey just turned 2 years old! Can you believe it? It's crazy how fast she is growing up! We had a birthday party for her on saturday. She loves fish right now so we did a pool party with a fish theme, it was really fun. If I can figure it out I will include some pictures. If you don't already know we are expecting a second baby on 11-11-08. It is another little girl and we are way excited! Her name is going to be Sophie Jayde, unless there is a last minute change. Today was the first day of school for Kyle. Its going to be a hard semester for him especially considering we are having a second child right in the middle, but I know he'll make it somehow. He is also keeping up a few hours with Nevada Power. He has been interning with them this past summer. I am preparing myself to be a "single mom" for a few months until we get through this semester. I am lucky enough to stay home with Bailey. So I am taking advantage of nap times until the new baby comes. We have a lot of fun together and she always does something that makes me smile. So life is good.


Chris & Kimber said...

I'm so excited that you guys are blogging now. It is so easy to keep in touch this way and know whats going on with each others lives. I love it. We can't wait to see you this weekend. Pioche or Bust!

Portia said...

I am so excited to be able to stay up with your life especially now that we are moving.