Monday, December 8, 2008

Sophie is a month old!

It is amazing to me how fast time goes by! I cant believe my little Sophie is a month old already! We went to the doctor today and she is now 9 lbs 4 oz, shes getting big! By the way I am glad that I don't have to give birth to 9lb babies. She is a good baby, and she may turn out to be a red head, maybe. We love her. The girls and I are having fun, enjoying life and have even made it out of the house by ourselves a few times! Poor Bailey is SO sick of the house and even though I intend to go out during the day it really doesn't happen too often, but we will get to that point eventually, maybe! :)


Chris & Kimber said...

Just since Thanksgiving she has grown so much. Still cute as all can be and we love her and Bailey so much.

Kara said...

I can't believe she's a month old already! Glad you've made it out of the house. You're brave!