Saturday, November 29, 2008

Tu-Tu Cute!

Well we had a really fun weekend out in Pioche. Aunt Kimber made the girls some Tu-Tu's and they turned out sooo cute! Here is Sophie sporting hers. Bailey loved hers so much, she wore it everyday all day, during her nap, at meal time, playtime and she tried to wear it while she took her bath, but that's where I drew the line. We also blessed Sophie while we were out there but I was so frazzled that I forgot to take any pictures, so I am in the process of gathering them from other sources. I will post them when I get them. Her dress was soo pretty and she was way cute. I also added just some fun pictures.

Bailey loves her Uncle Chris, the poor guy was bossed around by her all weekend... he handled it well.

My cute little Sophie!

I cant believe how big Bailey is getting!

This is Kiesha (the dog) and Bailey loves her.

Sophie and Grandma took a break together!

1 comment:

Kara said...

I love the tutu pictures! So cute. I can't wait to see blessing pictures. Hope Bailey is catching up on her sleep. Nathan has been a beast since I saw you yesterday, so don't feel bad. I hope this phase doesn't get any worse, or I may lose it one of these days.