Friday, December 10, 2010

what we have been up to

Well its been so long since I posted something that I didn't know where to begin, so be prepared for a few post trying to catch back up.

Here are some pictures of us while we were in Pioche for Labor Day.

all the grand kids
The Donohue Crew

We bought a pass to the Zoo for the year. The kids love all the animals but their favorites are the train...which lasts like .2seconds...

the bird show

Its pretty amazing what the birds can do....

oh those were the days when Dax would take a pacifier... all three of my kids have never really loved the pacifier and by six months they refuse to take it any more.

They LOVE the carousel!

Luckily Kyle is awesome and likes to ride with the kids, sadly the older I get the more I struggle with motion sickness. Mom I am sorry I was such a selfish child. I begged and begged you to go on the roller coaster with me in Disney land until you finally went and then you where soo sick... I get it now. Pretty much I would be so sick from this sad little ride. So frustrating because I love roller coasters.

Kyle was getting so frustrated with me because I couldn't time the picture right, in my defense he chose horses that where in the inside so I had to dodge all the other people, but I managed to get a few good ones in.

these are just some silly pictures of my silly kids!

Rub a dub dub, my three kids in the tub!


Kara said...

Aren't you glad you live in a place that has a good zoo? I heard SLC's zoo is pretty fun- maybe we'll come up there next spring or summer and visit you guys so I can take the boys. They would love the train too I'm sure. Dax is SOOO cute and chubby! I love it! You all look GREAT!

Stacey T. said...

All 3 of your kids are getting so big and already look so different! They are SO cute! Looks like you guys have been having a blast! Glad to see an update!

John and Lindsay said...

Wow what a cute family! I am new to this whole blogging thing and did't realize you ahd that many kids already. They are so cute. Looks like you have been having a lot of fun.

Anonymous said...

Your family is awesome. Bailey is such a little Eva. Sophie is total donohue (I could have sworn I saw a little Kimber). When are you coming up to WA?