Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy 4th!

Hope you all had a good holiday weekend. We ended up going to Pioche for a fun filled weekend which included, picking lots of cherries, eating lots of cherries, playing golf, which kyle and I won by the way :), and playing, playing, playing. It was a lot of fun. All of Kyles family ended up being there, which made it even better! I forgot my camera though, no surprise there, but Kimber has some fun pics on her blog. So here are just a few random ones that I thought were fun.

Why is she soo happy...

Need I say more?
Bathing beauties! The girls love to go swimming!

Okay so I just have to brag on Kyle a little bit, hope he doesn't mind. When we got home Kyle had a letter from the engineering department letting him know he had made the Deans list. He said it was no big deal but I think its pretty awesome! Honestly I am just proud of him in general.

Bailey loves to play dress up. I couldn't find her tiara so we improvised with a huge flower. It works... She is also really into making silly faces, this is one of her favorite ones to do.

Here she is talking on the phone with her pa pa. She loves to chat on the phone!


Kara said...

What fun, happy girls!! When are we going to go swimming together- oh, when we're in town at the same time!! I'm leaving for CO this weekend and won't be back till the end of the month- maybe we can hang out again in August??

Chris & Kimber said...

We had so much fun with you guys this last weekend. Thanks. Also, Kyle congrats on the Deans list. Thats awesome!!! I do need to send ya some of the pictures I took.

LeMira said...

You do know that I'd have to come check out your blog once in a while, right?! Well, I just wanted to tell Kyle congrats - what a hard worker!! Also, your daughters are so dang cute. Congrats on your pregnancy, I hope it's going well.

Tessa Marie said...

We were down in Lincoln for the fourth too! Its too bad we didn't run into eachother- I'd love to see your girls in real life and catch up with you and Kyle some time!

Thanks for the comment on Ambrie! The reason it didn't show up when I posted is because my blog is private now. I run into that problem with other people's blogs that are private, and then I'll remember to check them after forever and there are, like, a billion posts :)